Sunday, January 22, 2012

Getting Ready

I'm laying in bed, forcing myself to write this post for my mother before I watch some football, feeling more excited than I have ever been in my life.

You see, in three very short days, I will be starting a four month journey to Prague to study at Anglo-American University, and I could not be more ready to leave.

Along the way, I will stop in San Francisco to meet up with one of my best friends from Chapman, Hillary, who coincidentally also chose to study abroad in Prague. After a few days in San Francisco, we will fly together to Frankfurt, Germany to meet up with Hillary's aunt, who lives in Heidelberg. We get to spend almost a week in Heidelberg adjusting to the time change and starting our epic journey abroad, before driving to Prague.

With such little time left, I feel like I should be rushing around trying to pack things up or finalize plans. The only problem is, I was packed a week ago, and plans have been finalized for over one month. The realization that it is time for me to get out of here occurred yesterday. Sitting in bed for almost the entire day, I read an entire book because I had nothing left to do in Orange except day dream about my trip.

Aside from writing this blog to avoid weekly emails to a mix of people, this blog will serve as a public journal of my culture shock, experiences, and side trips to as many countries and cities as possible.

If anyone following this has any recommendations of things to see, places to go, or stuff to do, please comment to let me know!

That's all for now folks.


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