Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Marriage of Figaro: Night at the Opera

Yes. You read that right. I William Douglas McDaniel did, in fact, attend the opera. Attempting to become more cultured, our school program bought us tickets for seeing the performance at the Estate's Theater (where Don Giovanni premiered). Not quite sure what to expect, I went into the night with an open mind.

The theater was amazing. 5 Levels high and very gaudy inside, the decoration was incredible and beautiful. We got to our seats in enough time to admire the interior, mainly the massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling before the performance started.

About halfway through the performance, I was completely lost. Luckily, Hillary was there to understand and explain everything to me or the rest of the night would have been a nightmare. The second half of the performance was much better than the first and everything made a lot more sense. It probably also helped that I started watching the orchestra perform when I got bored.

Three hours later, my suffering was complete and we walked out of the opera glad to have had the experience, but deciding it was not necessarily something that we ever needed to do again.

That night, I sat at home and began packing up my backpack for our CEA (school program) sponsored trip to Krakow, Poland and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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